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Ace Software Exports LtdIndustry : Computers - Software - Medium / Small
BSE Code:531525 NSE Symbol: Not Listed P/E (TTM) :71.64
ISIN Demat:INE849B01010 Div & Yield %:0 EPS (TTM) :4.44
Book Value (RS) :44.3257813 Market Cap (Rs Cr.):203.58 Face Value (RS) :10
    Change Company 
Date Open Price
High Price
Low Price
Close Price
Total Volume No of Trades Net Turnover
(Rs Thousands)
Market Cap
14-Feb-25 318.10 318.10 318.10 318.10 733.00 10.00 233167.00 203.58 75939.21
13-Feb-25 324.55 324.55 324.55 324.55 250.00 16.00 81137.00 207.71 76138.97
12-Feb-25 331.15 331.15 331.15 331.15 1087.00 20.00 359960.00 211.94 76171.08
11-Feb-25 322.70 350.00 322.15 337.90 16401.00 130.00 5438564.00 216.26 76293.60
10-Feb-25 354.95 354.95 321.15 339.10 19462.00 166.00 6421847.00 217.02 77311.80
07-Feb-25 336.00 338.10 310.00 338.05 17678.00 196.00 5866435.00 216.35 77860.19
06-Feb-25 324.25 324.25 305.00 322.00 6362.00 136.00 2037716.00 206.08 78058.16
05-Feb-25 279.45 308.85 279.45 308.85 28063.00 156.00 8107980.00 197.66 78271.28
04-Feb-25 266.15 294.15 266.15 294.15 15266.00 161.00 4211982.00 188.26 78583.81
03-Feb-25 280.15 280.15 280.15 280.15 995.00 62.00 278749.00 179.30 77186.74
1 2 3 

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