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Mazagon Dock Shipbuilders LtdIndustry : Miscellaneous
BSE Code:543237 NSE Symbol: MAZDOCK P/E (TTM) :32.93
ISIN Demat:INE249Z01020 Div & Yield %:0.63 EPS (TTM) :65.75
Book Value (RS) :162.4733502 Market Cap (Rs Cr.):87327.74 Face Value (RS) :5
    Change Company 
Particulars Quarter Ended
(Dec 2024)
Quarter Ended
(Dec 2023)
Quarter Ended
(% Var)
Sales 3,143.62 2,362.47 33.06
Other Income 286.44 268.61 6.64
PBIDT 1,103.54 807.79 36.61
Interest 1.11 1.29 -13.95
PBDT 1,102.43 806.50 36.69
Depreciation 39.86 20.27 96.65
PBT 1,062.57 786.23 35.15
Tax 260.71 288.87 -9.75
Deferred Tax 33.64 -94.18 0.00
PAT 768.22 591.54 29.87

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BSE EQUITIES : INB011077733 | NSE F&O EQUITIES : INF231077737 | NSE CASH MARKET : INB231077737 | NSE CURRENCY DERIVATIVES : INE231077737 | MCX-SX : INE261077737

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